SCENE: Somewhere deep in the bowels of 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino DEVELOPER Boss. The mailing-list has exploded again. They're asking when Java 6 is going to come out. This is really starting to get out of hand. MANAGER Tell them we can't comment on future releases, and get back to fixing 1.5 bugs. DEVELOPER I can't! They're not buying it any more! MANAGER Well, release another 1.5 update and make sure there's lots of stuff in the release-notes to reassure them that we're working on something. DEVELOPER We just did that. But because we called it "update 6" it got all their hopes up. MANAGER Damn. What's the status of Java 6? DEVELOPER There's a lot of work left to do. We need more reso... MANAGER I know. We need more resources. I'll just go upstairs and convince the brass that Java 6 is more important than the iPhone SDK. Then I'll ride back down here on my FLYING PIG. So what is the status of Java 6? Can we put out a new DP in the next twelve hours? DEVELOPER We've fixed a couple of bugs. It works on Leopard now! But I'm not sure... MANAGER Does it compile? DEVELOPER ...yes MANAGER Does the installer work? DEVELOPER ...yes, but... MANAGER But what? It compiles, it installs, let's bang it up on ADC today and be done with it! DEVELOPER Well... I installed the alpha yesterday. The next morning my Mac wouldn't boot, my hard drive was overwritten with random bytes, and my cat was dead. ...come to think of it, that last one might be a coincidence. MANAGER That, my friend, is what disclaimers are for.
On the re-appearance of the OS X Java 6 Developer Preview
by Charles Miller on December 19, 2007