On behalf of the committee, I would like to announce the following addendum to the rules. These rules should be inserted into appendix 4.1: "Even Irony has an Expiry Date".
For more information, please read the "How To Play" guide that was provided with your Internet access.
- If you refer to the Internet as 'internets', you lose ten points.
- If you refer to the Internet as 'intarweb', you lose fifty points.
- By the multiplicative rule, 'intarwebs' is an immediate five hundred point penalty.
- The committee's decision on 'series of tubes' references is pending, but be warned that after something is mentioned on The Daily Show, it's not an in-joke any more.
- If you turn an adjective into a noun ("That is just too much awesome for one person to handle."), you lose five points.
- If you turn an adjective into a noun, then use it as an adjective anyway ("That is the awesome."), you lose fifty points.
- Any variation on OMGWTFBBQ is immediate loss of game.
The penalty for confusing "lose" and "loose" remains the same.