
by Charles Miller on September 20, 2003

It's interesting what you can go without when you're too lazy to do anything about it.

Probably the most glaring of my many character flaws is my ability to procrastinate pretty much forever. Over the years, this has led to me putting up with situations that most people would just do something about, because I was always going to "do something about it tomorrow".

Aside from the usual things: getting behind with the rent, having my phone/Internet cut off for a weekend, spending an evening in the dark waiting for my (previously unpaid-for) electricity to be reconnected and so on; over the last few years I have endured:

  1. two months without television
  2. six months (half of it Summer) without a fridge
  3. six months with the electrical circuit that governs my apartment's lighting not working
  4. one year without hot water

You'd think I would learn.

Previously: Ditching AVS Networks

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