Linux and Selling Out

by Charles Miller on May 8, 2003

“'s funny that it's now become possible to use Linux and still feel like you're selling out, but there you go.”Kief, on being forced to support DeadRat.

It's a constant source of amazement to me that vendors pushing their server-side products on Linux don't support Debian. Debian is by far the distribution most favoured by the people who actually have to administer the boxes. (Alan tells me that Gentoo is pretty good too, but I've not used it yet). On the other hand, I've had a single sysadmin tell me they prefer RedHat. It's always, like Kief's situation, been forced upon them by circumstances.

If I were porting some server to Linux, I'd target Debian first, and then look at other distributions. Then again, there are pretty good reasons important decisions are not left to me.

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