Publishing Woes

by Charles Miller on April 11, 2003

I was thinking of writing something longer than a blog-entry. Thousand-word essays are all well and good, but they're also pretty disposeable, and I feel the need to stretch my legs.

Anyway, to do this, I must pick a format. I want an open format, naturally, but I also want to be able to publish to both PDF and HTML. I want the PDF to look professional, but I don't want the HTML to look like ass. Which leaves me in a bit of a bind.

Pros and Cons
  • Readily convertible into other things
  • Very familiar, won't get in the way of writing
  • Limited vocabulary. No footnotes (which I write a lot of), no way to reference numbered floats (e.g. tables and figures). As such, the printable version would be substandard.
  • Easily convertible into other things
  • Designed for this sort of task
  • I would have to learn it. I've got the O'Reilly reference, and it all looks very fiddly
  • Unfamiliarity would get in the way of writing
  • Makes very good printed output
  • While I don't know TeX itself, LyX is a very capable WYSIWYM editor that I've used in the past
  • While utilities exist to convert TeX or PDF back to HTML, I've never seen one that didn't make the HTML output look like an afterthought.

It seems that I might be best off writing Docbook using LyX, but while I trust that tool because it's generated nice TeX documents for me before, will it do the same with XML? With LyX/TeX, I was only ever worried about the output, the source was opaque to me. The Docbook route would require me to worry a lot more about the source.


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