
by Charles Miller on March 3, 2003

February was the first time my weblog's exceeded 100,000 hits in a calendar month. And that's even if you ignore the two days where I got hit 11,000 times by the same bot. Go me.

Sometimes, I get amused by the self-importance of webloggers, though. We do have a lot of influence, but only in a very small sphere, one that consists mostly of other webloggers.

My brother Nick is a print journalist. Right now he's the Melbourne bureau of the West Australian newspaper (there's apparently one other guy there who covers the football). The West really doesn't get the Web at all. Nick's articles, published in one lightly-populated State of Australia, still find their way to the eyeballs of more unique readers in a day than I, published worldwide, get total, not-unique, and often not-human hits in a month. It's useful to keep that in the back of my mind when I think blogging might be more important than it really is.

Previously: Util is a language smell.

Next: Grid Computing and MMORPGs?