Personality Test

by Charles Miller on January 21, 2003

I've always been amused with those online quiz things, you know, the ones where you fill out ten completely irrelevant questions and they tell you which Spice Girl you are. Sometimes, I even do them myself, although I'm happy to say I don't bore any of the rest of the world with the results. (I'm too busy boring the world with my geekiness instead.) Anyway, I took a “personality test” this morning. Based on things like what I dream about, what position I sleep in, and how I stand when I'm talking to people, this was my result:

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

What a load of utter bollocks.

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