I Will...

by Charles Miller on July 10, 2002

During a discussion on IRC about the merits of helping people, I remembered something I wrote years ago on the subject.

I Will...

  • I will help people who are willing to help themselves.
  • I will help people who respond to advice critically, and demonstrate that they understand what was said, and can extrapolate further from it, and possibly teach me something.
  • I will contribute advice to a forum, since that way I get back far more than I give.
  • I will offer my opinions to anyone who is stupid enough to listen.
  • I will help friends, secure in the knowledge that if I don't have time to help, or it's getting annoying, I can just say so, and a friend will be considerate enough to stop asking.
  • I will help anyone who pays me enough. However, I don't do a similar deal for aggravation and personal abuse.
  • I'll aggravate and personally abuse people for free. :)

Previously: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 21:56:23 GMT

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