(9:10:54 AM) Guardian: "FBI investigators have officially concluded that 11 of the 19 terrorists who hijacked the aircraft on 11 September did not know they were on a suicide mission." (Scripting News)
Eight people who can spend a year planning their own deaths (and those of thousands of others) without any of them cracking and alerting the authorities is still scary, but significantly less scary than 19. It also means that the next strike is going to be harder to plan, as now the terrorists are going to be looking over their shoulders wondering whether the grand plan includes their deaths or not.
Weblogs are funky. Dave Winer reads this in The Guardian and links to it from Scripting News. I read it in Scripting News and link to it on my page. The idealistic nerd in me tells me that this is what the whole "World Wide Web" thing was supposed to create.
(1:24:45 PM) Mark Pilgrim keeps a weblog. It got him fired, not because he said nasty things about his employer, but because he said too many things about himself.
(11:46:19 AM) Courtesy of Livejournal's Alphabet Soup, here's a celebration of Palindrome Day