Sat, 29, Sep 2001 01:36:00 PM

by Charles Miller on September 29, 2001

On a whim today, I bought Salman Rushdie's new book, Fury. I really should read real books more often, I grew up reading Science Fiction / Fantasy, and never really grew out of it. Anyway, I had to share this paragraph, for everyone who knows far too many people only through electrons.

What is the digital equivalent of lovely? he wondered. What are the digits that encode beauty, the number-figures that enclose, transform, transmit, decode and somehow, in the process, fail to trap or choke the soul of it? Not because of the technology but in spite of it, beauty, that ghost, that treasure, passes undiminished through the new machines.

Previously: Tue, 25, Sep 2001 08:09:00 AM

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