What is a closure?
A closure is an anonymous function that ‘closes’ over its surrounding scope. Thus when the function defined by the closure is executed, it has access to all the local variables that were in scope when it was created.
Closures originated in Lisp, and have made appearences in a number of languages since, but for the purpose of this post, I shall use Ruby for my examples. Ruby was designed to use closures pervasively, and a number of its other design decisions reflect this. Note that the example I use here is a little artificial (Ruby's IO already has a grep method, it is just used a different way)
What are Closures Useful For?
The two most common examples of uses for closures lie in iterating over lists, and in encapsulating operations that must be set up, and then cleaned up after. Here's an example that does both:
IO.foreach("foo.txt") do |line|
if (line =~ /total: (\d+)/)
puts $1;
This code searches a file, and prints the matches. The IO.foreach
takes care of opening the file, delivering each line to our closure, then closing the file when we're done.
We can do better than this, though. If we find that searching a file for regular expression matches, then operating on the result is something we do often, we can create a new method that encapsulates that more detailed operation:
class File
def File.grep(fileName, pattern)
IO.foreach(fileName) do |line|
if md = pattern.match(line)
yield md;
File.grep("foo.txt", /total: (\d+)/) { |md| puts md[1]; }
Here, md
contains a MatchData
object that describes the regular expression match, and the yield
statement passes that match data into the closure. Now our file search takes a single line.
The advantage of closures is that they allow you to add new control structures to your language. Java 1.5 is looking to introduce a foreach
construct to iterate over lists. With closures, such language constructs become unnecessary (Ruby has only very primitive native looping constructs) because you can define your own. Similarly, closures allow you to dispense with boiler-plate wrapping code such as we see everywhere with file or database manipulation in Java.
Closures are also great for implementing the Command pattern. Command implementations that use objects must explicitly have their state set up for them, closures can just close over whatever state is around when they are created.
Blocks in Java
You can approximate the functionality of closures in Java using anonymous inner classes. There are two problems with this, though. Firstly, anonymous inner classes are unnecessarily verbose. Closures are supposed to be a short-cut, and anonymous inner-classes are anything but. This can be got around by adding some syntactic sugar to the language of course, but the use of classes is still quite heavy-weight. (Each anonymous inner class is an additional compilation unit, for example)
The bigger problem is that anonymous inner classes in Java don't really close over their surrounding scope—they cheat. The best way to demonstrate this by example is this:
i = 1;
1.upto(100) { |num| i *= num; }
puts i;
The above code prints out the factorial of 100. As you can see, the variable i
is modified inside the closure, but because the closure is executed in the surrounding scope, its value is changed afterwards. This is unlike the behaviour of a regular function call, where variable values in surrounding scopes are not changed.
If you tried to write the equivalent code in Java, it wouldn't compile. Java doesn't really close over the surrounding scope, it copies it. To hide this implementation detail, any variable referenced inside the inner class must be declared final
outside it: which is fine if your inner class is manipulating a mutable reference type like a list, but breaks if you want to work with immutable reference types, or value types. (i.e. Strings and numbers)
This is why you're unlikely to see closures in Java, sadly. To implement them properly would involve making changes to some pretty fundamental parts of the JVM. It's a pity, though, because they're damn useful.
Random Links:
- BlocksInJava from Ward's Wiki
- Programming Ruby by Dave Hunt and Andy Thomas
- Closures/Blocks in Java by Daniel Sheppard.
- CollectionsUtils makes me think I need closures in Java by a blogger without an obvious real name.
- JSR-201 Analysis by Charles Miller